A Progress Still Too Slow and Far Too Fragile

1 min readMar 8, 2021

A post on International Women’s Day from the mind and tablet of Visible’s CMO, Minjae Ormes.

My first experience with International Women’s Day was almost 20 years ago, when I happened to be on a trip to Italy, where every woman was handed a bouquet of yellow flowers as the day went on. I remember it as a pleasant day, and certainly didn’t mind being courted and celebrated. But the thrill of being at the center of attention dissipated just as quickly as it began, with many more wilted yellow flowers strewn about on the cobblestone streets the very next day.

I’ve been thinking about what exactly I wanted to say for this year’s International Women’s Day. And I keep coming back to this image of the wilted, yellow flowers; a reminder of how ephemeral that celebration had been. It reminded me that while we have made some notable progress towards gender equity, it is happening at a pace still too slow, and far too fragile.

Read more from Minjae’s on Visible’s Newsroom or follow Minjae on LinkedIn




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