From the minds and tablets of Himanshu Niranjani, Visible’s Chief Technology Officer, and Angie Janko, Chief of Staff and Senior Program Manager at Visible.
When the beginning of the pandemic lockdown started in mid-March 2020, we, like many organizations, moved to a work-from-home model on a temporary basis. As the months continued, we recognized that since we were already an all-digital based product/service, we could also be successful in a more permanent remote work arrangement.
In August, the executive leadership team made the decision to move out of our corporate headquarter office space. We gave up our offices, our snack boxes and catered lunches and our conference and huddle rooms. We were committed to making this new experience a success. We acknowledged that we missed our in-person connections, but given the fact that we had no choice, we leaned in and got comfortable with the change.
Now one year later, it is evident that leaders should be doing even more to look after their team’s mental health and overall well-being. While we still can’t get together in person, we’ve come up with alternative ways to connect.
Read more of Himanshu’s thoughts on how technology leaders can care for their team’s mental wellness on Visible’s newsroom or follow Himanshu on LinkedIn.